
Is app overload slowing down your team?

Is app overload slowing down your team?

Have you ever felt like your email is trying to take over your day and stop you from getting things done?

You’re not the only one.

Actually, a study showed that 80% of the time, we’re still talking to each other through emails.

Even though we have all these cool apps and online tools, we still end up going through tons of emails. It’s kind of like using old-timey bird messages when we have phones.

The study also said that people at work lose a lot of time trying to figure out which app to use. Imagine you’re trying to send something important, but you get lost in all the different apps like Slack, Teams, Google Docs, and more. It’s like playing a game where you’re always looking for something and never finding it. And guess what? It’s not fun at all.

What about video calls? They must be better, right? Well, not really. They seem like they help us do more, but actually, most people think only three out of five meetings are really helpful. The others? Just a waste of time.

And don’t forget how often we have to say things again and again. About 74% of people have to repeat themselves sometimes, and almost one in four people do it a lot. It’s so frustrating, you might want to yell into nowhere, right?

So, what can we do?

It’s time to think differently about how we use digital stuff.

Instead of adding more and more apps, why not talk to someone who knows a lot about technology? They can help you make a plan that’s just right for your work. Think of them like a digital world version of Marie Kondo, making your online space neat and happy, and helping your team do better.

If you’re ready to break free from the never-ending emails and app alerts and want to be more productive, we’re here to help.

Give us a call today or book an appointment online.

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Hi I've been in this game for over 30 years, Bringing you the best content and reviews of hardware, software with all the IT stuff to go with them to make your life better.

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