
Behind the hack: This is how easily your business can be hacked

Watch as a certified ethical hacker breaks into 3 computers in just minutes

One of the greatest risks to your business these days is hackers trying to break into your IT systems.

Thanks to automated tools, all businesses are being targeted by all hackers, all the time. They want to steal your data, your logins – or worse, hold your data to ransom.

We asked a certified ethical hacker to break into three computers using different types of attack. He filmed it from both ends – as the hacker, and what was happening on his victims’ machines.

What you’re about to see is rarely captured on video…

In this first attack, our ethical hacker encrypts all of your data, until you pay a huge ransom to get it back.

In this second attack, our ethical hacker uses a fake login portal to get you to give away your login details.

And in this final attack, our hacker reveals why it’s so important to always keep your software and operating system fully-up-to-date.

These videos scared us… because we see the consequences of these attacks every day

Three questions:

  1. Do you now realise how easy it is for a determined hacker to get into your IT systems?
  • Does your business have the right blend of software, staff training and processes to protect your IT and data?
  • Would you like us to review it? The peace of mind you will get from this review will be tremendous.

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About Baztex

Hi I've been in this game for over 30 years, Bringing you the best content and reviews of hardware, software with all the IT stuff to go with them to make your life better.

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